Saturday 2 December 2017

This week's Caption Pic

"Danny? Hercules? I don't think so!"
Danny's OK. He shouldn't be pilloried.
A crumbling old ruin and part of a building.
"I huffed and I puffed and I blew your house down!"
"Shut that door ! There's a draught. "
"My nose is itching!"

"Will someone come and help me please? 
My arms are getting tired!"

"No entry here. You'll have to go round the side!  ....... Any side will do!"
"Levitation starts in 5 seconds! Well Dynamo can do it, so why not"
"Hold on Danny, I think I know where the door is."

 In the canal at Burnley.


Danny Kirby said...

Will someone come and help me please. My arms are getting tired

Danny Kirby said...

My nose is itching