Friday 4 December 2020


 GO IT on the GOIT (?)

WALKERS :-  Danny, Paddy, Anthony, Vic.  7 miles

                           Martin, John W.  4 miles.

These are strange times. Almost a year now since normality departed. With such rapid changes of rules it needs a mathematical lexicographer to get to grips with it all.  2 x 2 ? Groups of 6 ?  Bubbles ? Under 11's don't count ? ( I blame the teachers 😆)

Ah well let's get started. We gathered in Brinscall . Not without difficulty as not many of us had visited it before.

Here we are lurking on street corners waiting for the last arrivals.

Now ready for the off - but where to.  Four of us would set off to follow footpaths on the higher ground whilst two of us were to follow the line of " The Goit ".

Martin and John w. set off along the well made path by " The Goit ".

Both were well dressed to deal with the cold wet weather that had been forecast. There was actually almost no rain but it was certainly pretty chilly.

The terrain however was very wet and the land to the sides of the path was flooded. Water tumbled down through the woodland and poured into " The Goit ".

Stopping for a mid-morning brew meant carefully choosing a spot that wasn't ankle deep in muddy water.

Martin had very sensibly brought his three legged stool w
hilst John managed to find a suitable natural seat.

John insists that he has NOT put "Pounds" on during lockdown ( Mebbe a few ounces). But extra sweaters make it look that way .  (well that's his story).

John's "Natural" seat - quite comfortable too !

We had arranged to meet the other group at White Coppice cricket ground. The halfway point. 

We had also agreed to phone as we got near to it. 

John talks to Danny on his mobile. (When we began walking as teenagers such an action was confined to the realms of science fiction.) Danny told us they would be a late arriving as they had experienced some difficulties. No doubt he will enlighten you in his contribution to the blog.

On our recent walks we have commented on how many people are out walking dogs and how happy people are to stop and have a socially distanced chat. Here they are both in one !   "Every cloud has a silver lining".

Not long after we caught sight of White Coppice Cricket ground. In the distance through the trees.

A few minutes later we arrived at the cricket ground only to find the pavilion seating was already occupied by another group of walkers so we pottered past and sat on a bench at the other side of the field.

That outfield looks a bit rough. Fours will be hard to come by. (come summer)

Here's the tree of the week.

Felt compelled to grant it the honour as the poor thing doesn't look as if it will make it into next week.

The group of walkers occupying the pavilion veranda  now departed and Martin and John took their places to await the arrival of the rest of the Meanderthals. Although they were not long arriving it was surprising how quickly one became chilled when not walking.

As we waited a couple of "mature" cyclists, on magnificent E-Bikes, parked up to take their lunch.

And here come the rest of the crew.

Lunch was duly consumed. Sadly there were no cups of tea and home made cakes on offer from the cricket 
club. 😕

As we sat eating we were visited by a "Little Friend". Paddy kindly threw it some crumbs though some of the crumbs were large enough, had it been struck, to leave it seriously concussed 

Before they left the cyclists were kind enough to take a "group" photo.

Ssshh................ Don't mention the social distancing !

With lunch over the group of four (sounds vaguely political) set off to skirt the field and follow a footpath back towards Brinscall.

With a bit of luck you should be able to spot the walkers. Dark figures against the white cottage.

 Martin and John returned to "The Goit" to follow the same route back to Brinscall.  A notice on the gate reminded us that "The Goit" was carrying drinking water between the reservoirs.

Well I drink "Scotch" does that make me a Caledonian ? (Yes... Yes... I know. People from Scotland are Scots. Not Scotch.)

As we made our way back your writer realised that he hadn't actually taken any photos of "The Goit"  itself, so here's one.

As we walked we heard voices behind us. Turning back we saw that the footpath the group of four were following had joined ours for a short distance.

.............before leaving again at the next junction.

I think someone ought to tell Paddy that the gate is actually open.

As we walked the trees were busy with squirrels scurrying up and down them and leaping from branch to branch over our heads.

But there were other things in the trees. What is this we find ?

 It's a hat obviously and on closer inspection Martin declared that he had seen one like that before. Indeed he had. It was his ! He realised he must have dropped it as he pulled his gloves out of his pocket on our outward journey and some kind soul had hung it on a twig in case it's owner returned.

The trees at this time of the year were skeletal but there was still colour in the woods. The vivid greens of the moss covered branches.

The Amber/Golds of the young beech trees.

And it's not just the trees . This believe it or not is a dry stone wall......DRY ?

By now the "Long and Winding Road" was taking us close to journeys end.

Indeed the lake and the houses marking the edge of Brinscall appeared through the trees.

Here as we sat by the lake waiting for the others, who were close behind, to join us, yet another little friend came along, "Sorry pal, we've eaten all our butties". 

Soon the whole group were together again for a final finishing of flasks before climbing into our cars and heading for home.


P.S. "The Goit" What is it ? Having scoured several dictionaries including a modern, very large Oxford Edition. It appears the word does not exist ???  But it does !!  Anthony found references to it.  It is a channel taking water from one reservoir to another. It seems to be of Yorkshire origin. Typical ! They don't speak proper English like what we do in Lancashire.

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