Friday 13 May 2022


 NOWHERE to PARK !  6 Miles

Patient Parkers :-  Anthony, Vic, John W, John R, Mike.

                                 and later Martin.

Our walk was planned to start close to the M55 motorway junction North of Kirkham BUT..............

Planned parking point = "Private Road NO PARKING" Oh 'eck .

Public Car Park = Expensive - threat of fines - no clear way of paying. Oh eck 

Outside football stadium. Private Rd, No Parking, fines  £100 per hour Oh 'eck

This is getting ridiculous BUT the sign said HGVs. So we risked it.

Parked up at last we set of on an altered route through Wesham.

Here's a good idea after all that fuss parking.

We followed this side road for perhaps half a mile before turning right through a kissing gate into a large open field.

Although the field we entered had a few "reclining" cows.  As we looked back across the lane, over the hedge, the field opposite must have contained up to a hundred cows. " There's a lot of milk to bottle over there. "  someone commented.

After our initial parking delays we were ready for our morning coffees and a small but steep sided dyke offered a good spot.

Anthony looks to be enjoying his brew.

I think Mike has seen the queen arriving and is expecting a knighthood.
Whilst John R is returning from chasing an escaped plastic bag blowing across the field.

and there's Vic.  Greta Garboing again.

Up on our feet again and off along a clear path towards our lunchtime destination - that spire in the distance.

"That spire in the distance"  is Kirkham Parish Church - St Michael's (?)

Getting nearer. As we walked we were quite surprised how busy the railway line between Preston and Blackpool seemed to be.

Under the railway  lines. Through the tunnel and we were almost in Kirkham . A little  earlier than planned as the parking fiasco had shortened our route.

As we left the farmland we had to cross quite a "Different" stile. We have never encountered this  possibly uniquely simple design before. It was easy for those with less than supple limbs to negotiate.

We arrived at the rather handsome church and went inside to ask permission to eat our lunches on the churchyard benches. "No Problem" was the answer.

We did not immediately have our lunch as it was a little early and Martin had not arrived. We walked the short distance to the High Street and waited in the market square for Martin.

Vic sat and chatted to the locals as is his wont.

Whilst John R looked at what was on offer in the plant stalls.

With Martin now with us we repaired to the church yard for lunch.

Lunch over we popped back into the church to say thanks, where a group of very kind ladies asked did we need the toilets before we set off again. 
 (I suspect they knew something about elderly gentlemen.)

Kindness upon kindness. They even asked us if  we would like them to make us a brew. We explained that we all brought flasks but thanked them profusely.

Leaving the church we did a short detour through a park and visited the war memorial which Mike had attended on one Commemoration Sunday. Even at this time, without the extra embellishments, the memorial looked wonderful.

A look back at the lovely, welcoming church and then we climbed the short but steep steps up to the high street.

Is John related to Capt. Birdseye ? I think we should be told. 

Not far along the High Street before Martin left us to return to his car and drive home. We now had quite a long trek along a B road heading North out of Kirkham.

Mike reached back in his memory and assured us that somewhere along this road was the local headquarters of the Boys Brigade. Mikes long history of cycling  has given him a tremendous knowledge of the bye ways around Preston and the Fylde.

He was right ( much to his relief ) and here it is with two of the "Boys" possibly feeling tyred. ( I know, I know ! Very obvious and weedy but you also know I can't resist. )

We were not to cross fields again............

............... but left the B road to walk along a farm track.

Throughout our walk we had frequent glimpses of the parish church spire as well as several other church spires around Kirkham.

One might almost say we were in...spired  ( Sorry !!!!   Guilty again. )

A final break to finish off our flasks.

and a friendly nod to the local inhabitants.

As we neared our parked cars we past the Catholic Church of St Joseph. . Here nearly everyone had to repeat the expletive of frustration emanating from the senior policeman (Irish ) in the TV Series  " Line of Duty ".

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the Wee Donkey"

I think that's enough



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