Saturday 17 December 2022



Dear Readers, with the festive period upon us it is our usual practice to take a break over the Christmas and New Year days.

We had planned to have our annual get together in the local Wetherspoons to Eat Drink and Chat. Unfortunately fate intervened and our plans were cancelled.. 

Two of our companions sadly found themselves having to attend funerals of friends and family (two funerals)

Late on Monday evening, however, a very distressing incident occurred, Martin, whom you would have seen in the blog over the years, had a bad fall and had to go by ambulance to the Royal Preston Hospital. 

Here it was discovered that he had cracked several vertebrae in his neck. He has undergone an operation and we are all hopeful that he will make a full recovery. it may well be a slow process though.

We are of course visiting him and look forward to a time when he will be able to join us once again. It will be great if I am able to report good news in the very near future.

John Whittle.

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