Monday 20 March 2023

Nicky Nook. Scorton

A short trek through a wooded area took us out onto Snowhill Lane. From here it was but a hop skip and a jump !!! to the entrance gate to Nicky Nook.
The well trodden path, not very busy today, up to the trig point. There were some tricky high steps on the way up and the wet atmosphere made them all the more hazardous.
And here we are. The only people we met on the way up were a group of four elderly men who like us were regular walkers together. One of whom kindly took this photo of us
                                      On the way down to Grizedale reservoir.
There was a fresh breeze blowing on the top but as we neared the bottom we came across this unoccupied bench where it was quite calm,and a pleasant spot for our morning brew.
Whilst we were sat there a lady came along with these five sheep dogs. She had them pose for us to take their photo. All are obediently waiting for her to give the ok for them to move.
On reaching the road alongside the reservoir we turned left for a couple of hundred yards before turning right through a kissing gate. To avoid any protests I went on ahead and stood in front of this sign until the others had all passed by.
A short way along the path we found another unoccupied bench where we stopped for our dinner. A little, not so well behaved dog came along and jumped up at me, trying to take a look inside my tupperware box, leaving dirty paw marks on my jeans. Grrr
The path was wet and muddy in places, but no worse than we have had to negotiate on many of our walks.
Does that include Meanderthals.

The brook alongside the path is obviously prone to flooding, but on our visit although there had been quite a lot of rainfall during the last few days, the flow wasn't causing a problem
A very posh memorial bench.
  "Would you like to buy it sir. Would you"
"No, I'm quite happy with this one thank you"
The End

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