Sunday 18 June 2023



I'm afraid there was no walk to report on last week. 

You, dear reader, will have seen us each week during the winter, trudging through the rain. Splashing our way along muddy, puddle strewn footpaths. Covered from head to toe in waterproofs. (and mud) Oh for a bit of sunshine. 

Well the sunshine came along...... with a vengeance ! 

The numbers on our walks would have been small to begin with as summer holidays, grandparently duties and wonky knees all combined to prevent some of us being available. 

For the few of us ready to walk, however, the prospect of a blazing sun and a temperature of 28 degrees became too daunting. (Could it be we are getting old ?)

Hopefully we shall be back on track this coming week.

My opening phrase in this article was "I'm AFRAID" .I'm not afraid of course in the sense of "Frightened". but we all have fears which can sometimes become "Phobias".

My own particular phobia is ACROPHOBIA the fear of heights. Anything higher than the third step of a ladder and I become a pathetic, quivering jelly. This has not always been the case as in my younger days I went rock climbing and potholing and for several years crewed a hot air balloon. 

I imagine other phobias lurk amongst our number. Some quite understandable. Others rather odd.

Gerascophobia........Fear of ageing

Arachnophobia........Fear of spiders

Basiphobia...............Fear of falling

Equinophobia...........Fear of horses

Ombrophobia............Fear of rain

But here's a ridiculous one . Don't think any of us has this.


If you have this phobia you will never know what it is called because you will not read this word.....

.............Why ?

because it is "The Fear of Long Words" 😥  WHAT ?????

Well I fear I have wasted enough of your time and I'm scared that I might develop Allodoxaphobia ..... Fear of what people think. So I think I should finish now.


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