Friday 3 November 2023


 BOTANIC GARDENS   Mileage Inconsequential

Trio of Trees :-    Anthony Ash,  Maple Mike, Juniper John.

November 2nd 2023


On entering Southport's Botanic Garden we found exactly what we could expect to find....... Trees..... Lots of Trees. and quite magnificent many of them were.

Although we didn't expect to find tunnels.

"Oh you take the high road and I'll take the low road."

But who got there first ?

Once through (or over) the tunnel a sharp right turn took us to the top end of the lake which snaked it's way from end to end of the park. I think with the ending of summer and fewer visitors the ducks were feeling hungry and this trio , joined by others , followed us hopefully as we skirted the edge of the lake.

The fact that autumn had arrived could hardly be denied.

Walking across this bridge we saw evidence that during the pandemic the parks maintenance had been neglected. Work parties were not allowed.

A little further down the path and we came to a formal garden part of which seemed to be a memorial to the late Queen. There was no information but the reader might notice the photo at the base of the display which was actually one of Queen Elizabeth ll .

The building behind our walkers was the "fernery" a heated house full of many different ferns.

Coming out from the rockery was a model of a pterodactyl. It seemed rather incongruous at first but I think it was a reminder that ferns were an ancient plant form around at the same time as the dinosaurs.

The cafe was large but there was nothing exceptional about it........ other than the chairs.
There was a myriad of seemingly antique chairs.  Here's the one that your writer sat upon. Not your usual sort of cafe chair I think you would agree.

As we reached the far end of the park, the main entrance in fact, we checked the sign post to see if there were attractions we had missed. There  were but as the rain promised by storm " Ciaran" began we decided to save them for a visit in the warmth of the summer.

We rounded the bottom end of the lake and encouraged by the rain we hurried along the opposiote side of the park back towards the cars,

Did I say hurried ?  No No No.  "Hurry"  is NOT one of the ambulatory styles we have adopted in the Meanderthals. We moved "Purposefully" towards the car.

Lunch was taken in the dry warmth of a Morrisons' store in Southport. Photo curtesy of a charming lady on a nearby table.

And so to home after a short, small but interesting "Gathering".


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