Thursday 30 May 2024

Walton le Dale

PARK & RIDE..... & WALK 4+ miles.

RIBBLE RAMBLERS :-  Jim, Mike, Anthony, 

                                         Danny, John, Dave.

We parked at the Park and Ride next to Capitol Centre in Walton-le Dale. Almost immediately came across a problem (as well as initially not knowing where we were going).

The track taking us West along the South bank of the Ribble was flooded. 

To quite a depth in places.

We managed to negotiate our way past the flooded bits and spent some time spotting the dreaded "Giant Hogweed" just visible poking through the fence. The weed was spreading along the banks of the river Darwen which the bridge is taking us over.

Once past the flooded stretch Danny deposited himself in a shopping trolley. On the side of the trolley we read "Lots of reduced prices".  WELL.... a discounted Danny.  Can't be bad.

Stop this childish behaviour at once !

Alongside the track were dire warnings about that Nasty Invader "Giant Hogweed."

As we arrived on the Ribble banks we stopped momentarily. No, We're not tired yet it's just that these seemed photogenic spots not to be missed

We soon arrived at the closed "Tram Bridge" Wonderful plans are afoot to replace it with an attractive modern Foot and Cycle bridge.

As I took this photo of Danny standing near the bridge some unkind person remarked "Two ancient relics together".  I think this was most unfair. The bridge looks OK to me.

Possibly homeless persons on the river bank in Avenham park ?

As we approached the old railway bridge, which we had  to cross, Anthony remembered that as schoolboys we used to cross this bridge to get to the playing fields and because both trains and pedestrians were able to use it, it was known as the "Combination" bridge.

The "County Hotel" a landmark building could be clearly seen from the bridge.

The number of "Love Locks" seem to have increased since our last visit. 
 A seemingly harmless though perhaps a little tacky practice. But why not ?

The ever curious Danny uses his plant identification App to name these flowers.

Here's Dave, supported by his wife Liz, coming to join us at the cafe (the Hub)

....and here we are inside the cafe enjoying the very reasonably price lunches.

Outside, enjoying the sunshine, dozens of mums (some dads) with lots of toddlers were joining in the community activities organised, I think, by the council, Well done.

Dave sets off for home (just outside the park) Liz will meet him half way.

We left the cafe (above) and headed in the opposite direction.

We stopped to look at the confluence of the Ribble and the Darwen ("Darren") rivers.

"There's a ship over there. Why is it not in the water ?"

Just ahead of us now was the London Rd Bridge over the Ribble.

That road sign seems to interest this trio. I wonder why ?

Our way lay over the busy A6 crossing the river. It doesn't look very busy but believe me it was.

We followed the south bank on our way out and came back along the North bank, Both equally lovely.........AND......WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT ?
It is tidal right up to this point. Nearly 20 miles from the open sea.

AHA ! Here's the answer to our earlier question\ "Why is that ship not in the water ? "

On the south side of the river was this Nursery. The boat was part of the activities on offer to the children.

After initially taking the wrong side street we soon arrived at the Park and Ride and after a very pleasant walk and lunch . We left for home.


Sorry about the ego trip but I just couldn't resist this portrait shot taken by Jim Cullen as we neared the end of our walk. Photos taken on our walks usually make me look like an overweight, superannuated garden gnome.

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