Saturday 24 August 2024



THE LED  :- John, Anthony, Jim, Danny (?)

Lostock Hall ?

Your writer can in no way guarantee the accuracy of this walk on the map . Maybe the leader, Danny, can enlighten us.

We started our walk today in a "Different fashion"....   Having lunch FIRST ! 
at the renowned MILL cafe. So early, were we, that John W's order was rejected by the waitress, who politely pointed out "We're still on the BREAKFAST  menu sir, "

Having "Lunched" our leader today then morphed into a "Pinball Wizard" bouncing  us backwards and forwards through the gardens of St Catherine's Hospice. No Problem. It was a lovely place to walk through.

The main buildings of the Hospice itself.

Some of the attractive features in St Catherine's garden.

Having "Bounced" around the charming gardens of the Hospice we left it to begin our walk proper.

Once we had left the grounds of St Catherine's our walk alternated between open green spaces and housing or industrial areas.  In one of the "Open spaces" there appeared to be an old well, which Danny, seen here peering down it, said it looked quite deep.

Urban ?  Oh yes. Not a blade of grass to be seen.

The river Lostock was a notable feature as we crossed and recrossed it at regular intervals.

You'll have heard of the "Urban Jungle"  Well here it is.

Surely we're not in Burma but this is definitely a wilderness if not a jungle railway !

TO THE WEST..............................

TO THE EAST..................................  Was that a Japanese voice we could hear coming through the undergrowth. ...... NO !  You've been watching too many old movies John.

A brief rest in a little park. JOHN !  Look up and smile !

Not much improvement there then !

Para Medic Danny (???) dispensing drugs ..........  well..... Fisherman's friends anyway 😇

I was aware that the council provided leisure and sporting facilities, Football pitches, park play areas, allotments etc,  but I was entirely unaware that they also provided pigeon lofts for the pigeon fanciers but here they were.

A Nasty case of woodworm ? That was our first guess, Finally we decided it was council housing for bees and other insects, What a thoughtful council.

The Mighty River Lostock crosses our path again or rather we crossed it's path.

"When I said we need water, I meant bottled water you idiot !"

There's something about water that proves irresistible to some shoppers.

I am steadily growing fonder of this local council, Wild flowers growing next to a busy roundabout. Well Done.😃 ...and the sign post below sums that attitude up.

difficult to read ?......
" A warm welcome to Bamber Bridge"

A strange dwelling, right next to a busy major road, seemingly being swamped by the surrounding wilderness. What a fascinating place of contradictions this South Ribble area seems to be.

Did we leave a tip for the staff at the MILL ?

Once beyond that gate down there and Danny morphs again into the "PINBALL WIZARD" 

"Which way are we going then ?"

About 3 to 4 hundred metres down this track and Danny decides that the lake we had past wasn't there last time he came............ Well, we have had a lot of rain.

Rather a nice little lake but we shouldn't be passing it.

Back we go !

Did you know there was a rather pretty little pond just in front of the B & Q store.
No ?   Neither did we.

Is there a tired look about these two ? 
Out onto the busy road and across some very busy junctions and we were back to the MILL. ...... and so to home after a DIFFERENT, confusing but interesting walk . Well done Danny........ I think !



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