Friday 27 September 2024


A PLETHORA of PATHS  3 MILES + or - a bit

Pathfinders:-  Danny, Anthony, John, Jim, Mike.

John, who knows the area well, managed to lose his way as he led the group to this car park near to Beacon Fell. ( Now Jim, I can trust you not to tell anybody it was even worse as we drove home πŸ˜•)

Once parked up we were soon following one of the multitude of footpaths that criss cross this Country Park.

Breaks in the roadside hedges allowed wonderful views across to Longridge Fell and away to the distant spread of the city of Preston.

As we leant on the gate admiring the views, a young lady from 
Buckinghamshire  passed by and stopped to chat. She was staying with family locally and had volunteered as a warden on the fell.

After a few minutes walking we turned away from the edge of the road and started our walk into the fell proper.

Quite soon afterwards we arrived at the small moorland pond often used for pond dipping by local schools.

As you can see, by the activity photographed, it was at this point it began to rain. (Only lightly)

The pond, it seemed, attracted a wide variety of Dragon flies and Damsel flies.

From here we continued to climb gently up the wooded slopes of the fell.

We were walking through a thickly growing woodland but as the trees were so tall they let through plenty of light.   There were, however some rather darkly shady spots........

...... and some equally shady characters lurking within them.

In this same shady spot we were intrigued by this tree which appeared to trying to "Throttle" it's neighbour.

In the distance just to the left of the bush in the foreground is a white object. Can you spot it ?

Getting closer now but be careful . It could be a "Dead Dalek". Caution needed. There may be others lurking nearby.   "Exterminate"

Sorry !  That was just your writer letting his imagination off the leash.

It was of course the triangulation post at the summit of Beacon Fell.

Though John is keeping a hand on it just to be sure.

C'mon Mike . We're heading down to the cafe.

Jim takes the lead downhill. Looks like the rain's back.

Ooh look. A Nowl !

Here's another Nowl

That's a much bigger Nowl

......... and there's yet another Nowl.

Give way ??  To what  ?  A group of Owls is called a "parliament" and if they are anything like the Westminster bunch then perhaps we should keep clear of them

John looks very apprehensive. Perhaps he has spotted the next piece of sculpture we are to meet.

A couple of wooden bearded figures here and one's a tree.

Danny comes face to face with a fearsome looking creature.

Drystone walling with a difference. A magnificent snake.

Look .  There it is down there.   THE CAFE πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Everybody has a brew.  Food is on it's way.

Outside one of the windows were several bird feeders. Full of birds.

Blue Tits, Cole Tits, Long Tailed Tits and even a Woodpecker was spotted by Danny.

If the birds were shy this little soul wasn't.

(Well snapped Jim)

Sausage Barms all round and then a further woodland walk back to the cars.

Whatever happened to that tree............................. woods are always fascinating.

Oh !  So that's where we have just been.

A bit of a change this week. Usually we show where we parked as we ARRIVE.

This time here we are about to LEAVE.

'BYE !πŸ‘‹


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