Friday 14 May 2021

Brock- Claughton

The morning began warm and sunny. Danny had arrived in shorts and t-shirt. But why was he the only one. Before the day was out it would become all too apparent. But for now he is enjoying the warmth of the morning. As we set off from Barton Grange, Anthony has taken the lead as we start what for most of us would be the hardest climb of the day. Note the family friendly hand rails.
                        After waiting for Guy, John and Mike are playing catch up.

But what's this, Mike has come up the outside, overtaking Little Vic and is now neck and neck with Anthony and it's anybody's race.

This is our always brew stop, and could there be a nicer spot. Mike was here one January when the river was about two thirds up to the arch, and he showed me a photo to prove it.

                                                         All back together again.

A gentleman and his female companion, (we mustn't be presumptuous must we) who happened to be passing by, kindly offered to take a group photo of us all, and his framing was perfect.

                            And there off again, and Little Vic has taken the lead.

Mike is coming into his own on the jumps, but what's Little Vic doing. He's losing valuable time watching the opposition.

Anthony came up from behind and just pipped Mike at the post at Walmsley Bridge. And here's Frank and Paddy, the two outsiders, (they never stood a chance),And Guy (the novice)
unaware of the competition, dropped back to allow everyone through the gate before him. Congratulations Anthony you win first prize, a muzzle of hay.😛

           Oh. poor Anthony, after taking first prize, he's now got a bout of hay-fever 😄, and Vic is pondering how to get over another of those hurdles 😃.

                           Frank and Paddy are once again bringing up the rear.😂

After all the rain we've had of late, the grass is very long and lush. The cows in the next field can only look at it and dream.

                                 The saying, first up best dressed comes to mind.

                Martin and Dave have come to join us for dinner, and here's Martin.

                                                              And here's Dave.                               

       And here's Danny, (still thinking summer's arrived). What a shock he's going to get.

What a lovely month is May. With all the bluebells, and daisies, and wild garlic.Just beautiful.

                       This is the Memorial Garden next to St Mary's primary school. 

                       It was opened in 2016, 100 years after the Battle of The Somme.

                     As per normal, we didn't notice the notice until we came out.
Martin and Dave having walked up to the school with us, bid us all farewell and set off back to their cars.
The lane that brought us to this junction seemed to be a lot longer than the last time Anthony and I walked along it. We leave the lane here and set off along a farm track, but what are these spots of water landing on my head ? Oh no! But I am not the only one who wasn't expecting rain. Guy had not brought any wet wear with him.😂 but fortunately Paddy had a spare jacket. Well done Paddy. Oh it's only a shower. It stopped after about 5 minutes. Oh no
it's started again, and this time it was much heavier. Anthony decided to take a short cut along the river side.
As luck would have it we were at the furthest point of our walk. Vic and I decided to take the longer but we hoped, not quite as wet route back. 
After crossing the River Brock, there was a long and steep climb up a cobbled path, that was fast becoming a stream in it's own right, until we reached the road at the top of the hill.
As we made our way back towards Walmsley's Bridge the rain stopped once again, only to start again with a vengeance as we neared the next bridge and caught up with our friends. From that point on, all the way back to the cars it just got heavier and heavier.Despite the heavy rain it was still an enjoyable walk. Thanks Anthony.
                 It takes more than a bit of rain to daunt us Meanderthals 😁.

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