Wednesday 18 February 2015

Meanderthal Collective

After our discussion about the collective name for geese I took to thinking what would be an appropriate "collective" for a group of Meanderthals. Should it be alliterative as in "Gaggle of Geese" or simple "Flock of sheep" or even rather obscure as "Parliament of Owls".
Here's a few ideas. I'm sure you could all come up better ones. (keep it decent !)

"A Meander" of Meanderthals  - far too obvious
"A March" of Meanderthals - not exactly descriptive of the beasts.
"A Magnificence" of Meanderthals - only joking.
"A Meanness " of Meanderthals - not funny (nor true) 
"A Moaning" of Meanderthals - "Moan !"   Us ?
"A Muddle" of Meanderthals - getting warm
"A Mumble" of Meanderthals" - ummm..has its virtues.
"A Mouldering of Meanderthals - Now we're getting close.

Perhaps we might find a more descriptive term if we went outside the alliterative parameters. 

"A Bewilderment" of Meanderthals - Has its' moments
"A Wandering" of Meanderthals - Could be a favourite.
"A Puzzlement" of Meanderthals - Don't understand that !
"A Pedantry"  of Meanderthals - bit close to the knuckles that one.
"A Confusion" of Meanderthals - Apt !
"A Traipse" of Meanderthals -  Bit obscure.

There must be hundreds of better "Collective" nouns. If you click on the "Comments" icon you could add your own. 
See you when the "Group" (bit boring that one) meets again

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