Thursday 21 January 2016

TRAINS & BOATS & CHAINS (bicycle ones !)

MANCHESTER - 6 miles
Walkers :-  Anthony, Danny, Jim D, Jim C
                  Martin, John R, John W.

"Oh Danny Boy. The pies, the pies are ca-a-lling" 
Q, From Where ?
A. The boot of his car back in Preston.
Danny left his rucksack in the boot of his car and went to Manchester in Anthony's car, OH Dear !
In Spite of traffic warnings from several quarters our journey to Manchester  was very straightforward and we were soon unloading in the "Lowry"  shopping mall near to "Media City" 
 After the now customary visit to the "Facilities we found our way down the escalator from the car park and out into the vibrant surroundings of Salford Quays.
A short walk took us past one of the large dock basins and past the buildings of "Media City" to the terminus of the Metro line and the tram 
which would take us to the start of our walk proper at Castlefields where we would stop to have our first coffee break of the day. 

After a short break we had to initially retrace our steps for a couple of hundred yards before continuing along the canal towards Ancoats.
 During our walk we were surrounded by memories of Manchester's industrial and even pre-industrial past. Sometimes juxtaposed with the ultra modern.

 As we passed the buildings shown above we stopped (or were stopped) by a gentleman who insisted on giving us some pages of humorous writings. Suitable, he said, for folks of a certain age (US !) 
 We thanked him and promised to share them with the group when we stopped for lunch (which we did).
The canal continued through the heart of Manchester passing under tunnels and tumbling and bubbling over numerous lock gates whilst continuing to reveal many fascinating and at times almost lyrically iconic if not beautiful vistas.

One building , with a boldly modern aspect led us to suppose that it was a "Gay" bar though of course it is quite possible that we had mis-read the signs.

We briefly left the canal but it was not much further before we crossed a busy road and resumed our walk on the opposite bank of the canal. By now the "Athletic" denizens of the area seemed to have become unwontedly active and our slow-paced plodding was to be continuously disrupted by joggers and cyclists. We were by now well into the Ancoats area and soon to switch to a different canal to continue our journey but not before recrossing the canal  by way of a rather "Tricky"  lock gate. 
From here our way led us from our original canal and along a new direction, still along a canal and out towards the ETIHAD stadium. the home of Manchester City F.C.
As we walked we were warmly greeted by a couple of acquaintances of John W's (John R will suffer for this !!!) and studied some delightful "Muriels" (Did I just say "Muriels ? well.. I'm sure you know what I mean.)

There is no real reason to include this next photo other than to irritate John R

After a short "Sortie" around the ETIHAD stadium re-rejoined the canal  and only a few minutes later the "Manchester Velopark " hove into view. Here we left the canal for the last time but not before noting the delightful features placed in the canal to keep the fishes amused (Like you put in a goldfish bowl).

It now began to rain, only a light drizzle, but no matter, we were almost immediately within the warm precincts of the velodrome. A short foray into the cafe were Danny could acquire some "Victuals" then up and into the "--drome " itself. Some of our party settled themselves around a table to eat their lunch whilst the late arrivals had to disport themselves in the cheaper seats.
Here we ate our packed lunches (Danny ???) and watched the cyclists training. We were greatly impressed by their speed especially as one gentleman only had ONE leg.


It was on this walk that Jim D finally announced his decision to buy a new bike (an Electric one) but this was a decision not taken a minute (century ?) too soon.

A Quick look in Jim's garage !

And so our day was almost at an end. John W had managed to go a whole day without his companions having to retrieve any of his possessions   AND THEN...... as we left the stadium a lovely lady asked had anyone left their gloves behind ... B****r ! They were John W's 
He explained to the lady that his companions were very cruel and only returned his lost items after he had panicked and had started searching his pockts for the lost item and also that they sometimes referred to him as the "Garden Gnome" . She agreed that they were very cruel but then added "I can see where they're coming from though"   Oh the hurt !!.    
 I think a curtain should be drawn at this point.


by Garden Gnome

A few photos not used in the "Match Report"








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