Thursday 18 August 2016



Walkers : -  Mike, Mick, John W, John R,
     Martin, Danny, Frank, Harry, Anthony. 

We parked at the sublime cricket ground at White Coppice. Surely one of the prettiest grounds in Lancashire.

With the weather perfect and the prospect of an excellent walk before us, we set of up the initial steep climb towards our goal, "Great Hill".

With the heather in full bloom our way led us,  steeply at first and then steadily but continuously upwards, towards the distant "Great Hill". 

With the "Penwortham Powerhouse"  in the lead as usual, we made steady, though hot and tiring progress and needed little excuse to stop and admire the vistas which were opening all around us.

 Chorley's  Mormon Temple dominates the near horizon.

 With John R. still visible on the horizon the summit of "Great Hill" grew nearer For a while the upward trend of our walk levelled out  and a tumbled down wall, one of many we were to encounter, provided seating for "Coffee time". 

Only a short distance further on and a commemorative plaque and "sculpture" held us for a while.

The plaque commemorating "Joe" a fell runner.

We met up with other fell runners  ( A form of "Altitude Insanity" in the writer's opinion) and other sports were represented (This is NOT the "Olympics" John) in the form of mountain bikers.
 Humans were not the only occupants of the fell and here we see Mike greeting some of the permanent residents.

Onwards and upwards towards the summit but not before several "False Horizons" led to an equal number of minor disappointments.  But, at last, here we are at the rather comfortable cruciform shelter at the summit.                                        LUNCHTIME !


A fellow walker who had stopped at the shelter to have his lunch readily agreed to put his sandwiches on hold and take a group photo for us.

Now, as promised , our way led downwards. It was a sharp descent and included our first and I think our only encounter with boggy ground. the path down was unclear and whilst there was never any doubt as to where we were heading we  took a slightly different route than that planned.  At the bottom of the hill we crossed a road and entered a wood -  a welcome shaded area as the day continued drainingly hot.

          Can't see Danny ? He's there in the background.

A refreshingly cool path led us down through the wood till we arrived at a bridge where our route again became uncertain. 

John hands over the camera and poses for a photo.

Although still some way from the cars it was decided that a drinks break was called for. The heat and the rough terrain were taking their toll.


Once again the terrain didn't agree with the details on the map and our way was unclear.

 The group wait patiently for a decision on the way forward.

Decision made and off we went looking for a building next to the track where a footpath would lead us back to the road and then across the fields and moorland to reach our final destination. On reaching the road we followed it briefly before cutting through a farmyard and tackling the last, long stretch to the cars.

The sun was still high in the sky and fatigue was beginning to become a factor in our walk. The path we had to follow was relatively obvious but little used and consequently heavy going and it wasn't long before another rest period became necessary. A steep dip followed by a steep rise encouraged us to rest beside the tiny stream separating the two.

"Lord Snooty" ? Not at all.           simply our superfit John R. Then (below) a final check of the map and the GPS, A few minutes rest and and off we go on the last leg (Still a long one.)

An unclear path led us once more  across the moors before we arrived at a comfortingly broad track. We followed this down towards the "Goit" a man made water course which would pass the cricket ground. Before reachingthe Goit it was decided that a short cut through the woods would shorten our journey and we reassured ourselves of it's position by asking a passing equestrian. 

The broad track through the woods although welcomingly cool was still, to begin with,  an uphill trek. followed by a long downhill stretch which severely tested our already weary knees.  This track at last took us down to the Goit. From here we  were to take to the fields once more, leaving the Goit behind ( Ahem !) to follow a narrow path which was a real trial for our tired limbs . ( Just Me ??), Tired or not the walk continued to be interesting.

Tired limbs pass fallen limbs.

At last we came to the Goit again and took to the final stretch of "easy" broad pathway.

A few minutes later we were "Limping" around the cricket pitch to the cars. In a final piece of irony, a lady we passed informed us that she was just about to set off and RUN the route we had just finished. There are still "Nutters" out there !

NEVER has Martin's refreshment been more welcome.

......and Harry encapsulates it all..........
                           DONE ! ......  the walk and the walkers.

Great Hill.... Great Walk..... Totally Knackering. 

Drew formula employed again 7.5 miles = 9 miles.

More photos to follow..............

Rough Terrain

More Rough Terrain

"Say Cheese"   "CAMEMBERT OFF !"


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