Saturday 6 May 2017

Helvellyn No. 2....

Patterdale car park. Kitted-up and ready to go. Walkers: Frank, Mike, Dominic (Danny's young-un) and Danny (cameraman)

Dead badger in a field at the side of the farm track. How did it die? Whacked with the wooden stake lying next to its head?

The end of the farm track and the start of the climb. Frank did his 'good deed for the day' by opening the gate for the farmer.

Brew Time and the wind had got up a bit requiring extra layers. Danny lost his foam-cushioned seat to the wind!
Dominic, the dutiful son, chased after it and retrieved it.

Frank on the final stretch up to the 'hole-in-the-wall' and the start of Striding Edge.

Through the 'hole-in-the-wall' and looking for a sheltered spot for lunch.

Setting off towards Striding Edge with Helvellyn in the background.

Frank and Mike setting off along Striding Edge.

Dominic, the young whipper-snapper, found it too tame and went in pursuit of a more adventurous route.

Once across Striding Edge (right), there was a final scramble of a couple of hundred feet to the summit.

Dominic by the memorial to Charles Gough who perished there 200 years ago. His remains were found 3 months later, his loyal dog still watching over him.

The force of the wind is blowing Mike's cheeks out and giving him a 'blow-wave'!

A brief respite from the wind while calories were topped up.

The trip point on the summit. Frank is holding on to his hat!

The summit of Helvelln is a large plateau. In 1926 a daredevil pilot landed his plane on it!

The descent down Swirrel Edge. Red Tarn and Striding Edge on the right.

Frank's bringing up the rear!

Dominic's waiting for the others to catch up.

The black bags (between 50 and 100) that Dominic is sat on are filled with rocks for improving the paths.

Well Done, Mike! Not much further now!

A successfull walk, thansk in no short measure to the beautiful weather!

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