Saturday 19 May 2018

Caption Pic 19th May

"Oh! Great!....Home at last!"
Our three heroes  "Rocky, Sandy and Woody" search for their friend "Cliff. 
"Hold on. You promised NO HILLS !  That definitely counts as a hill."
"And he led them into the abyss!"
".......but the GPS told me to ! "
Maybe. But my GP told me not to !"
"Which Doctor ? .... Doctor Who ? "
No ! The Witch Doctor. Those trees are "Witch Hazels."
"Dr. No.....Aren't those brooms ?..
We could sit under them for a spell. ".
"Eye of Newt. Toe of Frog ?"
....but I asked for boiled ham on mi butties !
Boiled or Roast. Alive or Raw.
Filling on't bread. You'll ask for more.

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