Friday 14 September 2018



Funsters :- Vic, Anthony, Mick K, John W
                    Paddy, Martin, James, Mike.

We don't usually do urban walks until winter has set in but Mike had discovered that Blackpool was holding a " Heritage " day. So we set off for a "different" sort of Thursday

We parked down the side of the "Solaris Centre" once known as the "Solarium". This was to be our second visit of the day. Our first visit, rather strange for a group whose average age is well over seventy, was the "Pleasure beach. There it is in the distance before us.

Mike led us along the front to the entrance where a helpful young man guided us in the direction of the reception hall.

Here we obtained "FREE" passes to the pleasure beach.  Security was reassuring as we entered and John W was forced to hand over his pocket knife - to be returned on exit.

Going through security.

John's "offensive" weapon

Once inside the myriad of entertainments was astounding. So much so that a good dose of caffeine was required before we could continue.

Taking coffee with rockets zooming overhead. 

A few paces beyond the café we came across this diabolical contraption. "Are you coming on ?" said the attendant.  "NO !!"  said the old wimps. We wandered around in stunned amazement....

Tweedledum & Tweedledee and….um...Vic !

….. until we found our adventure level.....and here it is.

A small gauge railway touring the site,   PERFECT !

All aboard and off we go...

This delightful little train wound it's way through the incredible tangle of supports holding all the major heart stopping rides including the "Big One"...….

….before taking us back to the little station.

 Where the proudly garrulous driver told us all about the engines used to pull the coaches.

We left the station and continued our exploration of the "Park".  There was hardly a square metre that wasn't usefully occupied by "fun machines".

Heritage and fun ,however, take second place when the "Inner Man" begins to call. (There's a  phrase from one's heritage ).  Lunchtime had arrived and "a babbling brook by a shady nook" was sought.  NO CHANCE ! A warm bench in the sun ,however, we did find.

We had harmless company.

But not sure about this guy.

Lunch over it was time to flee from this frenzy of fascinatingly frightening fun machines and we left to return to the Solaris centre but not before getting John's "Dagger" back.

On leaving the Pleasure Beach we crossed over to the prom. for a taste of the Briny. Here we encountered this strange erection.

A "Tidal Organ" apparently.   As the waves wash against the shore it emits hauntingly strange moans and whistles . Brilliant ! We followed the prom. for just a few minutes...

….before arriving under the giant glitter ball.

But what's that to the right ? …….. the wind was picking up and dashing the waves against the sea wall.

I wouldn't stay there too long John !!

Once we had  reached the Glitter Ball we crossed over the road to enter the Solaris Centre to attend the lecture on Blackpool's heritage.

The lecture revealed some fascinating and at times amusing facts about Blackpool's history but was perhaps delivered in a rather bland manner. 

It even contained postcards seemingly showing some of Mike's ancestors.

Leaving the Solaris Centre...…

 we now had about an hour to make our way along the promenade to "North Pier" the venue for the second lecture.  Take the tram ?

Or Walk ? …

We walked.  It was , however, quite a long way.

The tower and just beyond it, the North Pier, never seemed to get any nearer but we plodded on passing some of Blackpool's colourful offerings.

This little chap seems to be offering us a place to rest overstretched limbs, Thank you but not yet !

The Tower was now definitely nearer but the time was ticking rapidly away....would we make it ?

NO !  The lecture had started and the tiny hall was full. We shuffled around for a while in confusion and tried to listen but realising there was a café immediately adjacent we settled for a "Brew" instead. Well most of us did . Paddy (above) and Mike did make greater efforts than the rest of us.

The view behind us was rather nice.

Coffees now consumed

There was a short conflab.

And a few minutes later here we are on the tram heading back to the cars.

A day with a difference . Well done Mike an excellent idea. Perhaps as the years begin to accumulate for the group, (average age about 75) "Interest" days might become more welcome.


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