Friday 15 January 2021



We wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills

And all at once there was NO crowd

Because Corona KILLS


Beside the lake beneath the trees

There was no dancing in the breeze

Instead we take all sorts of pills

And s** the b***** daffodils


For oft when on our couch we lie

It's fearful thoughts our minds intrude

And dwell upon that inward eye

Which is the curse of solitude.


Sanitiser, masks and space

are branded on the brain

No travelling we are advised

By bus or plane or train.


Our William said they danced with glee

Those nodding yellow plants

Well I don't feel much "Glee" today

In fact it's flippin' pants.


We can't do this. We can't do that

We can't do very much

Friends and family greet and smile

But don't you dare to touch


Let's hope the vaccine sets us free

To live our lives again

Pandemics don't take prisoners

So the question is ...  just WHEN ?


 JW - With apologies to William Wordsworth

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