Sunday 1 August 2021

Would I lie to you

 Continuing on from J Ws Would I lie to you theme. Choose from the three options, the one you think is a misleading falsehood. 

Scroll down to find the truth.

1. One day when my wife was away, I invited one of my brothers round for tea. I decided on a rice dish that I had found in a recipe book. I followed the recipe to the letter, but the rice came out of the oven hard and burned. The book omitted to include water in their recipe 😡.

2 . When I was fourteen, I and a mate paddled out on a raft, to an island in the lake of Cuerden Park. Whilst on the island the raft drifted away, and we had to be rescued by the fire brigade 😡.

3 . One Christmas, my wife was working Christmas day. She had prepared all the food for the Christmas dinner, put the turkey in the oven and asked me to turn the oven on at 10. 0. Clock. I forgot to turn the oven on, thus ruining the Christmas Dinner 😡.












Anyone who knows me well will have guessed that No 2 is the lie.

No1. My brother Michael ever the considerate one, unlike myself didn't make fun of me, and we even crunched our way through the rice.

No3. The reason I remember this one is that I have never been allowed to forget it.😀

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