Monday 6 September 2021

Cleveleys to Blackpool North Pier 7 miles Walkers John W Martin Vic Anthony and Paddy.

 We parked up north of Cleveleys to begin our walk south. Before long a promenade side cafe came into view.It was suggested by John that we stop off there for our morning brew, but alas it was all shuttered up, or should I say all the shutters were down.
I can't remember ever having seen this large sculpture before. It was close to the water line of the ebb tide, so it is likely that on previous walks it has been submerged.
Another enigmatic sculpture of a large paddle had us scratching our heads. Whatever could it represent?
There was no shortage of seating along the recently constructed sea defences.
This is the day when most of the school children have returned to school after the summer break, so the Fylde coast was a lot quieter than of late.
Another novelty sculpture adds a bit of interest to this neglected part of the promenade
An elderly couple were serving drinks and snacks to some elderly travelers from an equally aged building on the promenade.

The Tower and North Pier are in sight but are illusive, in that we walked and walked, but they didn't seem to get any closer.
Vic made no objection to being photographed here, in fact he was all to willing. On reaching the North Pier, we caught a tram back to Cleveleys, then had a longer than expected walk back to the cars.
Unfortunately I didn't take many pic's this week, as I wasn't intending to do a blog. I had a busy weekend. But we can't forego a blog all together can we? that's unheard of


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