Friday 17 September 2021


 LONG TIME NO SEA ?  6.5 Miles

SEA SEEKERS :-  Vic, Martin, Danny, John W, 

                                 Anthony, Paddy, James.

Many years ago the joke about Southport was that the seaside resort had no sea. This is no longer so but today we have to report that no waves made their presence felt.

We parked where we have always parked,  at the Northern end of the yachting Lake next to the golf course and were soon on the promenade.

The first roundabout as we approached the coast reminded us of Southport's love of golf.

Far away across the Ribble estuary we could see our destination of a fortnight ago --- Blackpool.

Our route was simple to start with. Just a straight line along the promenade.

As we walked the Yacht club lake was across the road to our left.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the pier, which was to be our coffee spot.

Before going up to the pier, however, we had to go underneath it below where it was being repaired.

It's a   Lo o o o o o ng   Pier ! And although this photo gives it the lie. It was busy.

Now here's a novelty. Milk being delivered by train.    " Express Dairies " ??

Does Leonardo da Vinci come into mind ?

The warm sunshine and the lovely position made us reluctant to get up and carry on. Paddy meanwhile bumped into one of his daughters who was also walking around Southport.

Paddy is hiding a VERY LARGE cornet from  " 'er indoors " so if you're reading this Susan please skip quickly on to the next bit .

We dropped down from the pier to continue our walk along the prom.

Looking back it really was a l o o o o o o n g  pier !

As we walked we bumped into Paddy's youngest daughter Beth again and his grandchild Ned. She was showing her mother-in-law (from "foreign" parts) around Southport, What a delight.

The street furniture along the prom , especially the lighting, was really interesting, 

Some of it being occupied by rather contented looking starlings who had flown in to roost. Perhaps planning a "Murmeration" as the sun begins to set.

How these fish got up there and what they were planning I have no idea.

It wasn't much further before we crossed the road and headed for "Rotten Row" one of the posh roads in Southport.

Rotten Row might be posh but this was a bit OTT for a modest bungalow .

As we walked down Rotten row we passed the "Model" boating lake.

Then, half way down the "Row" we came to the park entrance and went into it looking for a lunch spot.

We chose to sit on a low barrier in front of a radio controlled car track.

Here comes a car doing 40mph (we were told). Difficult to photograph as it whizzed past.

As we set off after lunch we first went though a small wooded area where this tree caught our attention.

We carried on along this tree lined avenue heading for the exit gates. 

As we neared the exit Paddy took this photo of John W and as John McEnroe would have said " You cannot be serious !"

The last of the bunch leaving the park.

We wondered if this might have been a special theme park for " Elderly Gentlemen,"

The "Rocket Set " waiting for the rest of us to catch up.

As we approached the Marine Lake a young lady's hair style caught our attention. After greatly admiring it we politely asked if we could photograph it  She smilingly agreed. She told us it took 2 days to "fix" it.

We followed the edge of the boating lake with all of it's  bird life. Including these exotic specimens.

" Don't photograph them " says Sammy Swan, "They're just tasteless exhibitionists ! "

"We, on the other hand, have had a ballet written all about us.... That's class for you." He continued.

Continuing along the lake looking at and admiring  the two very elegant bridges from two different eras.

The street furniture decorations continued. Don't know what this one is called but Danny does.

One of Southport's many handsome buildings . "Art Deco"  we surmised. But who is the diver ?  Someone of the same era ? Johnny Weissmuller ?  Capt. Webb ?

Just around the corner from the spectacular modern bridge it was coffee all round for the, by now, tiring  Meanderthals.

There is something "Romantic" about paddle steamers. Perhaps it's fond memories of the 50's cinema, All those westerns and "Gone with the Wind ".

Never mind the modern concrete and glass utilitarian buildings of today. The Victorians knew how to make a dramatic statement and give a building appropriate gravitas. We think this was a hospital . Now being converted into apartments.

Almost back at the cars now but there were still interesting things to see.

Both John and more particularly Paddy have owned sailing dinghies in the past and Anthony used to have a narrow boat on the canal so boats are always of interest to the group.

This large collection of swans look very contented in the warm sunshine.

............and as we arrived at the cars we got a final reminder of Southport's golfing history.  The walk ended as it began in fact.

Our walks seem to be coming rather more tranquil as the years progress , Talking takes equal precedence with walking. BUT as the "Desiderata" reminds us there comes a time to "Gracefully surrender the  things of youth" (not a word perfect quotation) and as we all steadily climb the steps toward being octogenarians perhaps all is as it should be.



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