Friday 18 March 2022

Blackpool 6+ miles. Walkers, Jim, Paddy, Vic, Anthony and Danny.

We set off from the car park at the south end of Stanley Park, to make our way across town to the sea front. From there, south along the Golden Mile to Weatherspoons Velvet Coaster pub, where we will meet up with other of our friends, to celebrate Vic's 80th birthday.            The wintery sun was casting long shadows as we set off through the park.
        There weren't many people around this morning, and the ones that were, were mainly      dog walkers.


                                                   The monumental clock tower.

                         Vic, our octogenarian, failed his boot inspection this morning.
As we make our way to the main gate on West Park Drive the wind starts to pick up. Jim has to be back home early this afternoon, so he will only be walking with us as far as the main gate, before returning to his car, to meet up with us again later at Weatherspoons.
As Jim takes his leave of us and we head for the coast, it starts to rain, but luckily for Paddy and Danny, who hadn't brought waterproofs, the rain came to naught. Paddy must have said a prayer to St Patrick on this his feast day, to put a good word in for us.
As we neared the front, the wind began to pick up further, and when we turned onto the Golden Mile heading towards the Pleasure Beach, we got the full force of the headwind. When we eventually arrived at the Velvet Coaster, we met up with Jim again, and also Martin, John W and John R.                                                                                                        Vic kindly offered to pay for all our orders. A big thank you Vic. Everyone wrote down their orders and Vic and Danny went to place the order. We were given two trays to carry the drinks back to the table, but Vic piled most of the drinks on his tray. (You know what i'm going to say don't you)? When Vic returned to the table, whoops!! as he was putting the heavy tray down, it tipped, spilling some of it's contents onto the table and the floor. A lovely lady,(one of the staff), kindly made short work of mopping it up and reassuring Vic that there was nothing to worry about. Soon we were tucking into our hot meals.
All too soon it was time to say good by to our friends, and make our way back to the park. The journey back was much more pleasant, with the wind behind us, and there was also more warmth from the sun. Although the distance back, by a different route, was not quite as far as the way there. it did seem quite a long trek, probably due to it being an urban walk.

                                                                THE END    DK


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