Friday 25 March 2022

Smithills Hall and grounds, Bolton

On arriving at the car park, we decided to look around the hall before commencing our walk. We further decided that we would leave our rucksacks in the cars and return for them later. Danny forgot to get his camera out of his bag beforehand, and did not realise until he saw John taking photos of the hall. Doh!                                                                                     After leaving the hall, and collecting our belongings from the cars, we set off on our walk.
This business, just up the road from the hall, was doing a roaring trade from coachloads of school children.
Martin had walked with us up to this point, but we were about to head into the woodland, so he decided to find himself a comfy bench in the sunshine.
This wall could be a climbing wall for the grandkids on my next visit here, but I would need to bring a safety rope with me to drop over the wall.
                        There were a few dog walkers, but not too many.
After spending a while looking around the hall, a short walk and dinner time was upon us. Some well placed logs provided us with some good seating.  
Danny had to be back home early to pick the grandkids up from school, so we soon had to be heading back to the hall.

Martin had found a seat in a quiet corner of the garden which was just slipping into shade. All did not pass without  incident on the way home, as John will explain.
                                                              The End  DK



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