Friday 25 November 2022

RAIN STOPPED PLAY !    2.5 miles (What ???)

DRIPS :- John W,  Anthony,  Vic,  Danny.  + Martin.

After last week's weather dictated cancellation,  four of us set out with high hopes  (Well... moderate hopes) of a better day. 

So let's log on to our seaside outing. 

We parked the car on the roadside close to the eastern entrance to  Fairhaven Lake and Park and began to follow the newly constructed promenade.

The tide was in and the shallow seas of the Ribble Estuary were grey and choppy.  A more than "Fresh " breeze was blowing.

The "fresh" breeze seemed to get Fresher as we continued along the edge of the estuary.   

Then we saw something in the sea ! Was this person walking on water ?

Must get a photo thought Danny.

There's something above him.   Aha... It's a parasurfer (is that what they are called ?) And he/she certainly knew how to do it with heartstopping flights high above the waves.

The perceptive reader will have noticed that in most the last few photos the sea's horizon is sloping. Don't worry, a good slope is just what surfers need.

The rather splendid, stepped promenade ended and we now began to follow the sandy trail through the dunes. However, before we entered the dunes, we stopped briefly to chat to a group of volunteers who were preparing to plant Marram Grass which helps to stabilise the blowing sand.  

I say we stopped briefly but Vic, being an inveterate "Nosey Parker " lingered so long we "Lost" him.

The Dunes were not entirely deserted and we met other brave walkers (mainly dog walkers) at intervals along the paths.

Layers of waterproofs made John think he really ought to go on a diet!

We had a short stop sheltering in the dunes to have our coffee break during which a rather flustered Vic caught up with us.  " I thought you'd abandoned me "  he said rather plaintively. "Well. No! We, we stopped frequently to wait but, in the end, decided that as you would know our lunchtime destination (in the planning emails sent out) we would all meet up eventually."

Danny looks very bright and cheerful as we stand up and set off again after our coffee break. But could he be the smiling assassin as he warns us that the day will not end well. As the character in Dad's army declares "We're Aaal doomed. Doomed I tell ya."

The temptation to abandon the dunes was resisted and we cut across to the rather "Damp " water side path. Ahead of us the dunes ended and the promenade began again.

The seaside huts, a delight in a sunny summer, looked rather uninviting as we battled through the strong wind and damp, threatening air.

As we neared the Pier, we came to the Lifeboat Station where a very welcoming volunteer offered to show us round.

Not a lifeboat but this tractor is still a vital part of the equipment with the Cox spending time keeping it in pristine condition

The boat itself was a very impressive "Beast" with an equally impressive "Tractor " to pull it into the water.



The Meanderthals coming down from the viewing platform.

Next stop the Pier and the garden with Les Dawson's statue.

Throughout the day our friendly "Doomsayer" had been forecasting "Catastrophic" (one of his favourite words) rainfall starting about 12 noon. Here he is at Midday doing a little dance of triumph as the rain starts.

"What did I tell ya ?"    OK !   OK !.  But first, Lunchtime.  To be taken in the shelter.

We didn't start our lunches immediately as we had arranged to meet Martin here to "Dine" together. Then, Lo and behold. Bang on time. Martin came into view round the corner.

The shelters on either side of the "Les Dawson" garden provide excellent shelter from which ever direction the weather is coming.

As we ate John (I think a comma is needed as eating John would be a big mistake. Not a very appetising idea.)  threw a crumb of bread to a cheeky starling. Starlings have been put on the "Endangered species" list. You wouldn't have thought so round here. Within seconds, dozens appeared.

They entertained us with their ability to catch small pieces of bread in mid flight.

We couldn't of course leave the area without giving our regards to Mr. Dawson.

So who's the comedian round here?

I should point out at this point that "Danny Doomsayer" is no such thing. He is, in fact, one of the most positive and cheerful members of the group.

As we put things back in our rucksacks and picked up our sticks (poles) evidence of a worsening of the weather was clear to see.

We left the shelter and turned back towards Lytham. The wind was battering against us and heavy rain was lashing into our faces. Barely a hundred yards into our return journey. with water cascading down our waterproofs (we were dry inside them) the decision was taken to abandon our walk. 
Fortunately, Martin was still with us and agreed to take John back to his car when he could return to the shelter to pick up the others.
And so, we drove home with a short diversion to the lifeboat station to retrieve Vic's pole from where he had left it. Forgetting one's stick is usually John's prerogative. 

THE (abrupt) END


p.s. at the lifeboat station we picked up a device to help locate persons who could get  "Lost". Might come in handy on future walks.

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