Sunday 6 November 2022




Seventy years ago most of the MEANDERTHALS and many of our readers would have heard those words coming out of the wireless (radio), "Listen with Mother" I think. Television was still very limited and black and white, Those words heralded the start of a story read by what would nowadays be called a celebrity.  Celebrity culture was not really so pervasive as it is now and the stories were intended for toddlers. There was not a great deal on the wireless for a younger audience, "Children's Hour." each day and "Children's Favourites" each Saturday  hosted I think by "Uncle Mac". I seem to remember "Teddy bears Picnic"        " Sparky's Magic Piano"  "Christopher Robin and Alice" (at the Palace)  "and "Tubby the Tuba" . Not highly sophisticated but neither are the "Tellytubbies" or "Igglepiiggle" But I am getting carried away...............................




When the Meanderthals began walking together, many years ago, comfort was not of great importance, We were younger and fitter. (take the rose tinted spectacles off John). We were happy to sit on a grassy mound or even a handy rock.

As we "Matured" however we found damp grass and hard rocks not entirely to our tastes. Nor were wet "Bums",  So padded seats were slipped into our rucksacks .

Wonderful ! But...... ageing limbs and backs began to mean that sitting down was OK  but standing up again needed careful planning. 

We needed proper seating that raised us above ground level.

Folding stools were the answer and they were soon to be found attached to the inside and  outside of our rucksacks. These were fine but had a bad habit of sinking if erected on soft ground. Indeed on one occasion we watched in horror (great amusement actually) as one of our number slowed toppled over as one leg sank into the ground.

("Hey fellas. Are these rucksacks getting a bit heavy ?")

Now...... Old though we have all become, we are still open to innovative ideas and technology. I'm sure our eagle eyed readers will have spotted some rather unusual seating we are now all adopting.

"Well that doesn't look very comfortable" I hear you say " and if you lay it flat you're back were you started.... Ground level,"

Ah.. but no !  A quick twist and a pull and look what we have.

Light, compact and comfortable.   BRILLIANT ! 
(and they don't sink into the ground)

So once again...... 

Are you sitting comfortably?


Then I shall begin.

We've already begun thanks to Anthony who bought the first one and introduced us to a new style of seating.

(is comfortably seated)


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