Monday 1 July 2024



There was a knock on the door, He answered it to find a six foot tall beetle standing there. Without warning it headbutted  him, savagely kicked his shins and ran off.

The following day he went to the doctors with a broken nose and severe bruising.. " Yes" said the doctor wisely, "There's a nasty bug going round " .

Well there has been a "Nasty Bug" going round the Meanderthals. Not , I hasten to add, in the form of a beetle, but nevertheless a bug that has left our numbers severely depleted So.......... NO WALK THIS WEEK !   SORRY.

May I offer a little memory jogging quiz instead.

On our walks where did we come across.....

1.    A low flying Spitfire

2.   Bobby Balls statue

3.   Paddy's Pole

4.   Eric's Statue

5.   A Millennium Bridge

6.   A velodrome

7.   A Comedy Carpet

8.    A witch's Grave

9.    A Giant Horse and Cart

10.  A boat called Emmaline Pankhurst

11.  A Halo on a hill

12.  Les Dawson's Statue

13.  Graves cut from solid rock

14.  A red telephone box inside a Cathedral

15. The Fairy Steps

16.  A steam powered "Pig"

17. The 3rd highest spire/steeple in England

18.  Fred Dibnah's Statue

19.  A Maze

20.  Paddy's Wigwam

21.  The Praying Shell

22. A Premonstratension Chapter House

23. Sebastopol Canons

24.  The Floating Village

25. Jubilee Tower (The Moonrocket)

Scroll down for the answers












1.   Fairhaven Lake Lytham St Anne's (Spitfire)

2.  Lowther gardens Lytham. (Bobby Ball)

3. On top of Fairsnape Fell , Bowland Fells. (Paddy's Pole)

4.  Morecambe Promenade. (Eric)

5.  Lancaster. Over the River Lune. (Millennium Bridge)

6.   National Cycling Centre Manchester . (Velodrome)

7.  Blackpool. Near the Tower (Comedy Carpet)

8.  St Anne's Churchyard Woodplumpton (Witch Grave)

9.   Leyland. Schleswig Way (Giant Horse)

10.  Canal at Castlefields Manchester (Pankhurst Boat)

11.  Cribden End Lane .  Rossendale (Halo)

12.  St Anne's Pier (Les Dawson)

13.  The Headland. Heysham (Stone Graves)

14.  Anglican Cathedral Liverpool

15.  Beetham/Arnside (Fairy Steps)

16.   Steam train engine.  Pilling (The Pig)

17.  St Walburge's Preston (Spire)

18.  Bolton Centre (Fred Dibnah)

19   Worden Park Leyland (Maze)

20.  Catholic Cathedral. Liverpool

21. The coast near Bolton le Sands (Praying Shell)

22. Coast. South of Glasson Dock (Chapter House)

23.  Bushel  Place, Avenham.  Preston (Canons)

24.  "Brockholes" Junction 31 M6 (Floating Village

25.  On the Moors above Darwen. (Moonrocket)

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