Tuesday 7 October 2014

 Telling the Time

Oohs ! and Aahs ! and creaks and groans
Another walk for these old bones
A mile or two and then a rest
Wherever went that youthful zest

Those were the days, those teenage years
When hearts and lungs had many gears
But now we need those balms and pills
To conquer even smallest hills

And in our twenties we were fit
We carried every sort of kit
Our rucksacs filled with tents and pegs
And stoves and food but sturdy legs

Would carry us for miles and miles
Through hedges ditches , dodgy stiles
By woodland paths and moorland heights
On far horizons set our sights

But years rush past and soon we find
Careers to build and work to grind
Our walks and treks take second place
But still we yearn for open space

Kids come along and they walk too
Though opportunities are few
And then one day a dreadful blow
A voice calls out "Dad's far too slow"

At the top they stand and wait
As dad leans gasping on a gate
Middle age has come too soon
But maybe there's a hidden boon

For now there's not a need to prove
That we can cover every move
That mountaineers and crag-rats make
We'll eat - not say "A piece of cake."

The time has come to worry not
Of strengths and skills that we have  not
These aches and pains have all been EARNED
A simple lesson we have learned

Our day is done it's  their time now
With dignity let's take a bow
Let's move along.Get out the way
"Can we still walk" I hear you say

Yes of course ! enjoy the time
Doing nothing's not a crime
So we will walk but at our ease
And ask our bodies "Come on ----Please !"

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