Friday 10 October 2014

Time and Tide - A visit to Arnside

Thursday 9th October
Walkers - John R, John W, Vick, Anthony, Mike, Martin, Harry.

Cars parked on the front at Arnside. The weather forecast was NOT good. As we clambered into our waterproofs a loud wailing siren announced the arrival of the tide. (As the tide rushes in it can form a dangerous bore.) We had intended to walk over the Knott in a clockwise direction but as we hoped to see the "Bore" which was expected in about 40 minutes we decided to set off along the shore in the opposite  direction and do the walk in reverse. (This was to have consequences.)  The shore was muddy and rocky but quite walkable. After about twenty minutes we reached a bay and although, without a bore,  the tide was obviously advancing rapidly the path we had just left would soon be covered. Here we found a comfortable spot to take "Elevenses" (coffee break) before setting of to walk round the next headland. No chance ! the tide had beaten us to it.) Change of plans again ! We turned inland, passing through a caravan site as we crossed to the next shoreline. Here, as, once again, we watched with fascination,  the tide rapidly covered the last vestiges of footpaths below the low cliffs, it started raining. We now followed the footpath into the woods. At this point we went astray. The footpaths went in different directions and SO DID WE ! The path went steeply up into the wood and some of us were soon puffing and panting, At some point we missed the planned route (You will remember we were going the WRONG way round)  and so our walk was longer than intended. As we were expecting the rain to continue, we stopped at a convenient log, deep amongst the sheltering trees and had our lunch. Onwards and upwards till we eventually reach the summit of the Knott. As we gathered at the triangulation post we were besieged by a pack of assorted dogs followed by their owners two charming young ladies who offered to take a group photo for us. Then we descended the steep grassy slope back to the outskirts of Arnside where the forecast heavy rain at last arrived and accompnied us back to the cars. A relatively short but challenging walk. Looking at the map after returning home it seemed we were in fact never too far away from the intended route.

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