Friday 5 January 2018



ATTENDEES :- Anthony, Martin, Vic, Paddy,Mick James
                           Danny + Barbara, Mike & Kath, 
                            John W & Val, Lawrence & Imelda.

The reader will have instantly spotted a most unusual occurrence. On this our first outing of 2018 we had Ladies with us.  This is not ,dear reader, our "New Years Resolution". Just that on our visit to Media City to do the BBC studio Tour it seemed rather nice to invite wives and friends.

 Danny & Anthony

Anthony arranged to borrow St Clare's Mini-bus and our excellent driver, Danny, was happy to do the driving.

 Here we are outside Preston North End's stadium all aboard and ready to go.

In spite of the gloomy drizzly morning and the busy traffic Danny soon had us parked up in the Car park of the "Imperial War Museum" across the water from Media City.

Once out of the min bus we waited under shelter as our Hi-teccies worked out how to pay for the parking. 

Parking sorted we set off. Some went into the Imperial War Museum whilst others chose to cross the quays and search for a cafe  (and toilets).

                                                        Anthony  Paddy  Martin

 Val Kath and Mike heading for the bridge over to the Mall, cafes and t'other place,
 There was a queue !

Croissant, deux pan au raisins et une muffin and then a quick recce round the mall and our small splinter group were soon heading for the BBC.  

The main group had visited the Imperial War museum and then they too made their way to the start of the tour.

 Danny  Lawrence (looking back for the stragglers) Vic Imelda Barbara James

It wasn't long before the whole group was gathered and we went into "Dock House" . Here we were subjected to a strip search and blood samples were taken. I jest of course but security was quite tight.

 Here we are waiting to go into "Dock House"

 Not all of us though.

 Lawrence is searched for hidden weapons !!

Meanwhile Mick auditions for Mastermind.
"Name" ...... "erm......pass !" 
"Subject".... "Yorkshire Puddings  2012 - 2017" 

After being given our identity tags we assembled in the next building for the introductory talk. This took place next to the famous "Tardis"

  Either Martin took this photo or the Tardis is about to leave.

Our first destination was the "Radio 6" studio.  Very successful apparently but no-one in the party had ever heard of it. Here our next guide told us how radio dramas were put together and broadcast as well as showing us some of the techniques for making sound effects.

 On the table you can see a bicycle pump with a cork (Champagne popping) 
A bunch of rubber gloves
(Birds or Bats flapping and flying )
A Tray of grit and some shoes
(Walking along a footpath)

After explaining the process he invited members of the audience to take part in a short play. Four brave (stupid) Meanderthals volunteered. Anthony, Mick, Vic and John W. as well as others in the larger group. It was fairly simple and great fun. Then off we went to the next studio.


Mike and Kath leaving the studio where the "Radio Play" had been performed
Our guides then took out across the stormy plaza into the main studio building where our next stop was a rather austere room which when in use was the Blue Peter set.

 Because the studio is used for other shows as well. 
It was rather disappointing as  the only evidence of Blue Peter's presence was the logo on the wall.

 Our final area was first a mock up of the "Breakfast Shows" stage followed (upstairs) by the actual studio in which it was presented, complete with the famous red sofa.

The real set, where we went to next, was rather more populated with cameras and hi-tec equipment as well as our smiling pseudo-presenters.

And John W got told off for going behind the sofa to take a photo. Behind the sofa there were make-up articles and combs etc. for quick tidy ups of the stars between shots. We were not really supposed to know this.

So our visit ended but not without a cheery farewell from one of the stars !!!!

Back aboard the bus and the usual slow trudge before we escaped the Manchester Traffic. Danny took us unerringly back to Preston.
An unusual but enjoyable "Meanderthal " day. Thanks Anthony for the organisation and Danny for driving.


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