Thursday 11 January 2018



WALKERS :- Anthony, Paddy, James Mick, Vic
                       John W, Martin Danny, John R.
Sorry computer playing up. If you wish to see this week's report please click on the  "read more" just below this.

After the break for the festive season spent (in my sad case) overeating, snoozing and watching too much telly we were, today, back on the walking trail.
Although the last few days have been relatively dry we are still in our "Urban" walks season.
Southport was our destination today and after a short detour we parked up in our accustomed spot next to a handy (boot donning) shelter.

The rather weak midwinter sun had not yet driven the mist away as we set off towards the somewhat bleak promenade.

To our right the terrain was rough and wild and certainly could not grace the name beach.  In the photo above the dim shape of the distant pier can just be seen, top right, through the thinning mist.

Truth be told there was little to hold our interest as we progressed in an almost black and white (grey ?) world.

In the distance to our left were the stanchion and cables supporting the bridge we would pass later in our walk.

As the eleventh hour arrived (NOT the traditional DOOM LADEN one ! ) we reached the pier. We crossed the road and climbed the metal stairway and set off towards the end of the pier, coffee break in mind.

As you can see the sky is beginning to clear and become blue and in the absence, so far, of a suitable bridge, Paddy stopped to take a "PIER" photo.

At the end of the pier the sun was giving us an almost balmy springtime feel and here we stopped to take coffee.

 'scuse me mister writer. This does NOT look balmy or springlike !

Not just coffee but Martin had brought along his always welcome "firewater". (I have forgotten the actual name of this drink)

Coffee time over we tramped back down the pier and resumed our walk along the "concrete" promenade looking back as we did to the pier we had left behind.

As we walked two diametrically opposed "items"  shouted for our attention.
   One was the incredible and unsavoury amount of plastic waste washed up along the tide line
    The other was an equal amount of "Natural" detritus piled against the sea wall.   In spite of the plastic pollution there were thousands of "Razor" shells as well as many Skate egg cases, large whelk shells and Bladder Wrack seaweed. Proof of much wildlife living on the shore OR.... (I think less likely) dying on the shore. (although they were dead) 

We eventually arrived at a rather odd looking post which marked the start of the "Trans Pennine Trail" which went from the Irish Sea to the North Sea. Designed for Walking or Cycling.

"Shall we walk to the North Sea ?"  " NO !"

From here we turned inland to follow "Rotten Row" which would lead us to Victoria Park (Where the flower show is held) and to find a suitable spot to have our lunch. As we left the shoreline we paused for a couple of minutes.

It was not just the seaweed which was
"Bladder Wracked"... ahem !

As we entered the park the wisdom of having urban walks at this time of the year became obvious.

We were forced to leave the tarmac footpath and take to the grass which in the end proved even wetter.

Mick and "Puff"

As we walked through the park we looked for somewhere to sit for our lunchtime,

Left Right Left Right........ Martin ... Yer out of step !

John R spotted a shelter some little distance down a side path. It was a perfect spot.

After much munching and chatting  we packed our rucksacks and continued through the park heading for the Marine Lake.
The skyline of the approaching Southport town centre was rather prettily attractive,

We even discovered that there were "Wallies" in Southport.   I leave you to consider the evidence below.

Still searching for a bridge photo we took a Balustrade  one just in case. In the distance (left) can be seen the suspension bridge mentioned earlier in the blog.

Somebody appears to be posing here !!!

We strode on to the left of the lake in order that we might cross the handsome bridge in the middle of it. Anthony's, who has a keen eye for a scenic shot, stopped to photograph this rather serene view.

Anthony has spotted a great photo opportunity,

As we arrived on the bridge we paused whilst Danny took the "BRIDGE PHOTO" which I'm sure he will post on the blog.

Over the bridge and down towards Southport's famous "Lord Street" passing, as we went, what at first appeared to be a traditional post box.

It turned out , however, to be some sort of tiny electricity sub-station.

Once on Lord Street, after indulging in a little silliness, we looked for "Weatherspoons" to have a civilised coffee.

The bright, low sun has partly obscured John "Bradley Wiggins" face.

As usual John W and Anthony disagreed (amicably) as to which way to turn. We followed Anthony's directions and Lo and Behold, he was right . There was "Weatherspoons". Coffees all round.

It was very busy in the pub but we managed to sort out seating for everyone and thoroughly enjoyed our various beverages (Thanks Paddy !).
leaving Weatherspoons we set off back the way we had come and Lo and Behold there was ANOTHER Weatherspoons in the direction John W had suggested. They were both right.  So as footballers say "A Result !"

Back to the cars along Lord Street now and home through the "School Run" traffic.

I can't finish this report without quoting Antony's explanation for some members absence because of illness. " X is not with us because he's in bed with a Russian "(raised eyebrows) Ivor Chestikoff. Boom ! Boom !

THE END. (probably)

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