Saturday 13 January 2018

My apologies for the poor quality of this weeks photos, it is my resolution to do better in the future.

Southport, one of the more genteel of our coastal resorts, and one where you would not normally expect to see urchins.

Here is John checking the settings on his camera. If only I had thought to do the same.

On the pier, courtesy of our own peer, Paddy 

It is not obvious from the photo but the sun had burned through the early morning mist. Martin had provided us all with a helping of his hot firewater and John told us another of his jokes, an exceptionally good one too. 

It has been highlighted in the news recently about the amount of plastic finding its way into our seas and oceans. We saw much evidence of this on this weeks walk. 

Lunch time.

It could have been so much better. The photo I mean. 

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