Thursday 2 April 2020



There's a sad air about the garden just at the moment. A short time ago I brought the garden table and chairs out and placed them on the patio (It's the old yard really) It's always lovely to sit outside with family or friends and chat over a coffee or tea with biscuits or a piece of cake.

…….but there's nobody coming to sit on them 😟

At the far end of the garden I have been digging my vegetable patch (a bit late) but I can't get the plants to put in it and I have been late planting seeds 😟  

And the birds.... the birds...…..

Last year a family of robins grew up here.

This year NOTHING !

Last year a family of bluetits occupied this box.

This year....NOTHING !

Don't imagine there would be many birds using this "Hotel" other than as a garden "Buffet".  LadyBIRDS perhaps ?

There were certainly lots of other creepy crawlies so I didn't investigate too closely. 

and last summer a swarm of Bumble bees took over this little house. I suppose they chose the "posh" one because they had a queen.

This year they have "BUZZED OFF"

Feeling sadly grumpy I went round to the front garden where a rampant Pampas Grass was taking over the place. So I took my chagrin out on that



But things seemed to just get worse as the garden has now became "Out of Bounds". 

The Pandemic has at last reached Sunny Bank.

A  PAN-demic

I shall just have to RAMP UP my efforts to get the garden back to normal.



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