Friday 11 June 2021


RIBBLE ROUSER *     5.2 Miles

Ribble Ramblers :- Danny,  Anthony,  Vic, 

                                 Jim C,  John W,  Martin.

The car park at Marles Wood, where we met, is easy to miss but,  for a car park, almost pretty.

As we left the car park a tree looked almost overwhelmed by ivy.

We had only a few yards to walk back towards Ribchester, before taking a footpath on the left.

The farmer was working the field and had very helpfully cut a swathe through the grass. Before long, however, we needed to take to the real footpath.

To our left the woods were bursting through the fences with flowering Rhododendrons.

The first of a number of stiles was soon upon us.

The lush fields were at first a little confusing.

........but the path we should take soon became abundantly clear.

As we walked the sun was frequently obscured by cloud. but in the intervals when it could be seen we could observe the "Eclipse" through some smoked glass slides Anthony had thoughtfully brought along.

After walking some distance through the fields we came to most unusual stile.

This is the first time we have come across a stile which  also has a gate above it . In the manner  of  sixties T.V. presenters here we have the "Lovely" Jim demonstrating it for us.

and here, we presumed,  is the reason for it. To prevent deer entering this small woodland area and destroying the saplings.

Once through the wooded area and over a couple more stiles and a bridge, we headed for the small housing development that used to be the "De Tabley Arms"

We have noticed in recent years that stiles are becoming increasingly difficult to negotiate. Some sort of conspiracy !...... Couldn't be that we are getting older..................... Could it ??

As we approached the De Tabley buildings the open fields stopped and we had to follow a narrow path.

As we reached the road , Martin was waiting to greet us.

Over the bridge to the Ribchester side. and then an early lunch on the banks of the Ribble

Do these gentlemen look as if they are entirely enjoying their lunch break ?

Snowy white hair or balding ? To answer a previous question. Yes, I think, after many years walking together,  age is definitely becoming a consideration on our walks.

Lunch over we set off along the farm track leading away from Ribchester.
Here we passed what we eventually discovered was a "Firewood" business.

After walking through the farmyard the broad level track ended and became a rough path. At this point Martin decided to turn back and leave us.

"Bye Martin. Great to have you with us for lunch."

By the side of the path was an unusual litter bin. It was actually an incinerator. It was also firmly attached to a nearby tree.

Can you see our leader (Danny)  he's there in the distance.

"The Ribble Ramble" which we were now following soon left the river to rise up through the woods.

Soon back to the river bank where the footpath became quite challenging in places.

No Challenge here John ??

Jim said he was familiar with this sign. He goes to meeting where he declares "I am an A......................................................................ngler !"

 There were several places where floodwater had piled detritus over quite large areas making walking difficult.

What is this tree saying to you ?  Be careful ! People read this before the watershed .

Hi-tec this bit................ Log on...Log off !

From this point there was no recognisable footpath as the "Ramble" took us perhaps half a mile away from the river.

On our last walk we had distant views of Ingleborough. Here we have distant views of Pendle.

The right of way (on the map) rose steadily but gently up to a farm next to which was a gate and a sign post indicating the Ribble Way.

Which in turn led to another farm and the footpath down to the Dinckley Bridge.

There's the bridge, Down there !

Over the bridge and looking back.

All that remained now was the walk back through the fields and Marles wood itself back to the cars.

As we walked through the wood a young lady coming in the opposite direction offered to take a "Whole" group photo. I am unconvinced that the addition of your writer to the photo is an enhancement ???

Our walk now nearly over. Just a quick photo of the "Whirlpool" bend.

and then up the steps ( or not actually ) and a final small bridge and our walk is done.

An excellent walk Danny.  Well done and thanks Anthony for stepping into Martin's shoes and providing refreshing Shandies.



p.s. I shall eagerly await the usual pedants pointing out my typos and spelling mistakes,😴

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