Friday 19 July 2024



Munchkins :- Mike, Jim, Anthony and John.

Arriving at Mawdesley

We parked down a side street with the good wishes of a jovial resident whose garden we were next too. Then we were surprised at the unusual start to our footpaths. The paths were neither yellow nor made of bricks just unusually well maintained (in the most ) for countryside footpaths.

Not exactly a "Yellow Brick Road" but definitely somewhat higher class than the footpaths we normally follow.

One glance along the roads of  "Desirable Residences" and it was obvious that Mawdesley was a decidedly affluent community.

After following  this broad track for a hundred metres or so we came to the point where a footpath proper took over. There it is to the left of the gate.

This proved to be a neatly trimmed path with a clean and solid surface underfoot with the sides well defined and neatly trimmed.

This was particularly welcomed by John who was wearing shorts and had no need to dodge nettles and brambles.

The quality of the footpath continued as we left the woodland to walk through open fields before suddenly arriving at an area of neatly mown grass with a bench. This was most unusual.

We surmised that such an affluent area contained affluent ramblers and dog walkers who put pressure on the council to keep the paths well maintained.

There were no stiles only well maintained gates. Perhaps an indication that  the affluent residents were also in a large part,... ELDERLY

There was even a small bridge over ....well nothing really...... though John is trying hard to find something.

Soon, however, we did come to less well tended footpaths (different council?). So much so that Mike and Jim hopped over the fence (trespassing) to avoid the nettles, brambles and mud.

As we arrived at road there was a farm gate which was decidedly "Barred". It had SIX locks (one hidden behind the post)  but there was a smaller pedestrian gate to the side. We wondered what was so "precious" that it needed such security

Rather tasteful "Garden Gnomes" ? Depends on one's idea of "Taste" of course 😖

A small but well ordained residence .

"Oh What would the world once bereft
Of wet and  wildness let them be left
Oh let them be left wildness and wet
Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet"

Gerard Manley Hopkins

I would pity any weed that had the temerity to raise it's head in that garden.

with an equally well ordained pigeon loft (or something). There's a pigeon sitting just above the windows on the left.

Look ! We're off again with a footpath leading us through someone's delightful garden,

"Is this really the footpath ?" thinks Mike.

A short time later Anthony hesitates to approach this bridge, The mud before it was of uncertain depth.

I thought this tree had a face with eyes and well defined eyebrows. There were those amongst us with rather less tasteful ideas as to its appearance.

Once over the bridge the path continued until we came to.......


Two monks looking for a cloister ?

After leaving Monk's farm we followed the road for perhaps half a mile or so .  Much of it along the quaintly named "Moody Lane".

A fascinating pole this. thinks mike. It's sort of "round" and  "tall" 😄

The roads were quiet and seemingly safe..........

......but what's this ?

On the left of this road sign is a coat of arms.

A closer look was a little unsettling.....

What do we read there........ BE AWARE !😟 of What ?

Perhaps beware of the bindweed. Lovely in the hedgerows but a pain in the ****! in the garden.

We were now on the last part of our walk and looking forward to a brew and a bite to eat at the  Cedar Farm cafe, The last footpath , however, was the worst.

Here's Mike trying to avoid the deep mud. 

John didn't !!!

No matter... the cafe beckoned.  There we are  -- Bottom left in the courtyard.

Very civilised !!!

After a good but slightly expensive lunch we left for the last stretch into Mawdesley.

The signpost to the rest of the busy complex.

EH ? (perhaps that is what we should be aware of..... CHANGE !)

Arriving back into Mawdesley.

Over a final bridge...............

And back to the car and home.

Oh.... and loved this little bird feeder we passed on our walk.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Errata: “Be Aware”…almost as menacing