Wednesday 20 May 2020




It is so peaceful in the garden. In this time of isolation how lucky are those of us who have a garden to sit in. A quiet area to sit and sip a coffee and contemplate the tranquillity.  The seedlings planted as the lockdown started are now young plants soon to burst into colourful flowers. The strawberries are beginning to take on a pink blush. The plum tree has no longer any blossom but multitudes of pea sized nascent plums. The gooseberries are swelling almost visibly. The garden is refulgent.
Peaceful, tranquil and quiet...…… Except......

Except for the sparrows noisy chirping a on the birdfeeders a couple of metres away
Except for the honking of the Canada geese on the reservoir.
Except for the wheezy whistle of wrens in the hedgerow
Except for the constant "Chak Chak" of the Jackdaws around the chimney pots.
Except for the continuous "Coo Coo cuk.  Coo Coo cuk" of the collared doves on the shed roof
Except for The harsh "Cark  Cark" of the carrion Crows in the big trees.
Except for the random warbled "Coooooo Cooooo Coooooo" of the woodpigeons in the tall Leylandii.
Except for the honking of the Greylag Geese in the reservoir reeds. 
Except for the creaking whistle of Swan wings as the pass over the garden.
Except for the loud buzzing of the bumble bees busy with their pollinating

……… and an extremely noisy butterfly has just rushed by....

I've had enough. I'm going indoors … It's far too noisy out here.

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