Saturday 3 February 2018

Lytham Hall - Snowdrops Walk. More Photos

A short walk from the cars brought us to green drive, which in earlier days was  part of the Lytham Hall estate and was a secondary driveway to the hall
Vic was determined not to get lost this week.

The stately Lytham Hall.

Where the snowdrops were in full bloom.

A more civilized refreshment break than usual this week. Unfortunately, due to a power cut at the Hall tea room, Anthony was unable to have his favorite brew. (Hot chocolate).

The Clifton family would have had an uninterrupted view of the Fylde countryside in their day. A view now obstructed by a housing development. 

Leaving Lytham Hall behind, we continued our walk through nearby Witch Wood.

Which, again, was part of the estate in earlier days.

A short urban walk brought us to a footpath crossing Royal Lytham golf course........

.......and thence to an unmanned crossing of the Preston / Blackpool railway line. 

Arriving at Fairhaven Lake, we became more exposed to the chilly coastal wind. Some of our party, (not mentioning any names), were suffering hunger pangs. A pleasant sheltered seating area was found for our lunch. A gentleman on the adjacent seat obliged us by taking our photograph.

Some of the resident swans had come up onto the slipway for a sleep, others merely for a rest.

A large plant on the side of the path stirred our interest. Anthony guessed rightly that it was winter kale. 

A final stop to finish off our flasks before returning to the cars.

Come on owd lad, tha's not far to go now.

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