Friday 1 June 2018

Staveley.. More photos

The first of four water catchment areas on this walk.

The first part of our walk was along a quiet road that got ever steeper. We searched in vain for a comfy spot to have a brew and get our breath back, but this is the best we could find.

Having finished our brew and having rested a while, we set off again. Round the next bend in the road, guess what.

These ladies looked like they were ready to go to a show.

If we all squeeze together we should just fit on.

JR was under orders from Mrs JR to wear his hat today.

Vic assuming the Tory Party "Power Pose".....Forget it Vic if it ain't worked for May and Gove it ain't gonna work for you

A herd of inquisitive young bulls (?) took a great interest in what we were having for lunch.

Leaving tarn number two behind us, we continued towards our next target.

John, put that hat back on.

Tarn number three

Why is Paddy carrying a sheep on his shoulder ?

John is laughing at my misfortune. Somewhere, way back, I had put down my stick. My treasured stick, that I had brought all the way from Australia, and left it behind. I was all for leaving it, but John persuaded me to go back for it. 

Tarn ? number four.

Afternoon Brew in the shade, by the slow flowing river.

John's health and safety lesson.

(St) Martin in the field

Back at the cars, Martin supplied us all with refreshing shandies, and John had brought us all a cake, courtesy of his wife Val, to celebrate his umpteenth birthday. Thank you both.

John, did however claim to have contributed to the making of the cakes, by giving instructions to Val from his armchair.
This historic church in Stavely dates back to the 14th century, but unfortunately all that is left is the tower.

This notice was attached to the railings in front of the tower.


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