Friday 28 August 2020

A Tour of Fulwood 27 August 2020

We set off on today's walk from Anthony's house. Crossing over Sherwood Way, we went through a gate and  followed the path that skirts the top of Masons Wood. Reaching Eastway we doubled back downhill into the wooded valley which is Masons 
The path down through the woods criss-crossed the stream running along side it several times, by way of well maintained bridges.
At the end of the wood, the stream becomes a tributary of the larger Savick Brook, which we followed by way of a path which was overgrown and in places hazardous.

                                         A brief Pause
At the end of the path, coming out onto Sharoe Green Lane, we crossed over and continued following the brook as it entered the flood catchment area. 
A short diversion took us uphill to take a look at the now neglected Amphitheatre behind Preston College. Retracing our steps we carried on along the path towards Highgate Wood, where on some days woodpeckers can be heard and sometimes seen drilling holes in the surrounding trees.
As we entered the wood, a picnic table beckoned us over. We had missed our usual morning brew so enjoyed our dinner all the more.

We continued on passed the lake which in times of flood when the gates close and hold back the water becomes much larger,
but by so doing, prevents the houses further downstream on Lytham Rd from flooding.

A flight of steps took us up out of the wood, onto the A6, where after a short walk north, we entered a little used footpath between the houses. Humph! How am i going to get through there
Having removed his rucksack, which he had been blaming for his predicament, John still had to breath in deeply to get through.
The footpath came out on Regent Drive close to it's junction with Black Bull Lane, from where we made our way to Our Lady's Catholic High School. 

A path down the side of the school leads to another flight of steps.  The path at the bottom of the steps runs alongside a pretty stream and comes out onto Boyes Lane.

The remainder of today's walk is an urban walk back to        Anthony's.                         The End

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