Friday 7 August 2020


5+ Miles

Walkers :- Anthony, Danny, Vic, 
John W, Mick, Martin.

"There's a famous seaside town called Blackpool
That's noted for fresh air and fun. "

..... and here we are parking up  for a day of fresh air.       ...and perhaps some Fun ? 

We looked around but Mr and Mrs Ramsbottom and young Albert their son were nowhere to be seen. 

Neither it seemed was Martin ..... Look there's his rucksack !

Ah ... there he is in the distance going back to his car. He'd forgotten something,

So,  off we go through Stanley Park. 

First stop (briefly) the very tall "Cocker" clock tower.

Next the lovely gardens and the circular pool and fountains.
Leaving the fountains behind we cut through a small gap next to a "Classical" wall to follow the path down to the boating lake.

Although quite early the park was already busy with walkers especially young families. Once past the boating lake we soon emerged onto the road next to Victoria Hospital. Just before arriving at the road, however, we passed this strange "Sculpture. It bore no explanation as to the what or wherefore of it's presence. Any ideas ? 

And what about these ?

"Ten green bottles standing on the wall." Well plastic bottles actually and hanging on the trees. This is very strange.

The road was busy and we waited patiently for the lights to allow us to cross.

Now we were following the edge of the Hospital with a golf course to our right. A couple of minutes later a voice said "Hello. Do you remember me ?" Your writer, a retired headteacher, didn't but Mick, a teacher at the same school did.  The voice's owner had been in his class.

The owner of the "Voice"

We stopped to chat for a while and then continued our walk,  leaving the hospital grounds a couple of minutes later. 

Leaving the hospital behind us entered a wooded area with a well defined path, Coffee time was upon us. So what could be better than a shady nook near a babbling brook. Actually the brook didn't babble but the company sure did.

Coffee time over we carried on on the woodland trails. The problem with walking through public "Recreation" areas is that there are often multiple paths. These can sometimes be confusing and here we see today's leader, Danny, conferring with Anthony to check that we were still heading in the right direction.

Yes, of course we were on the right path.  What else would you expect from our illustrious leaders. 
We walked on until lunchtime beckoned and a solitary bench by the side of the path was all that was available.

A quiet lunch was not on the cards as there was a continuous flow of families, joggers, cyclists and dog walkers. The pandemic effect was obvious as all passed "Distantly" with a cheery greeting or wave.

As we sat for lunch we could see the golf course in front (beyond the bulrushes)  and it seemed that our walk had been skirting the manicured fairways most of the time.

At this time of the year the wildflowers are in full bloom and several members had "Flower Identifying" apps on their phones. Isn't technology marvellous !

The path gradually veered to the right until there in the distance was Britain's most famous tower. (What about the Tower of London ? Psh ! Not in the same league !)  

The smaller tower to the left is The Cocker Clock tower we had visited earlier.

Across the path as we continued we came to a very obliging gate. It would accommodate pedestrians, cyclist, horses and possibly vehicles.

This way for horses......... and Meanderthals it would seem.

Leaving the woods behind we came to a well maintained area of lawns and fences. This was the approach to the Golf Club and the De Vere Hotel.

Throughout our walk the wooded edges hid from us the many stretches of water which constituted the area of Martin Mere which a distant memory leads the writer to believe this was the original "BLACK  POOL" (Not sure though)

We had now reached the road we had crossed earlier. We turned right looking across the road for the side entrance to Stanley park which would allow us to cross the Boating Lake by the ornamental Bridge. But then we saw an interesting sign. It was very appropriate and we had to take a photo.

Top of picture - Dinosaurs 
 Bottom of picture  - extinct beasts.

Back across the road but not without incident. 

The road was busy and the pedestrian lights were RED (Do not cross) when a police car came racing towards us with   "Blues and Twos" howling and flashing. One of our number decided at this point to stroll across in front of it. The "TUFTY CLUB" and the "GREEN CROSS CODE" it seems had passed him by entirely. Like Queen Victoria the rest of the group were "Not Amused".

Once more into the park. (Your writer apologies for forgetting to take a photo of the decorative bridge, but he thinks Danny did) and there before us was a wonderful sight . The Cafe !

The cafe was in fact actually wonderful it being a great example of ART DECO. architecture.

With a final farewell to the "Cocker", as we passed it by, we headed for the cars and home.    



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