Wednesday 26 August 2020



We're old and getting older but still we walk the land

We like to think we'll keep it up till the glass runs out of sand

Smooth paths and fields and gentle hills are what we now call fun

But memories come into mind of challenges we've done


Those were the days of long ago. We used to call it "Hiking"

Mountains high and snow capped fells and sometimes long days biking

A little tent, a sleeping bag, a rucksack and a primus

No cars we had when we were young we had to take a bus.


So off we'd go into the "wild" with careful plans..... P'raps not.

When evening came we pitched our tents in some idyllic spot

Pine scented woods or tinkling stream. A view to lift you up.

A billy boiling on the stove. A tea bag in a cup.

But time moves on and so do we. The years we cannot hide

We potter now at gentle pace and with a shortened stride

A comfy car, a cosy cafe, the chats with friends. the laughter

The challenge of those lofty peaks' no longer what we're after.

Make no mistake we aren't done yet but focus had to shift

The passing years have slowed us down... but each year was a gift

Some decades now that some of us have walked and been good friends

A few more years we hope to get before our story ends.



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