Wednesday 19 August 2020



Ramblers :- John W,  Son. Daughter, Grandchildren.

Phone call from daughter "Taking Kids and dogs for a walk on Beacon Fell. Fancy coming ?"

"Er .....  Yes.. OK."

So here we are setting off from the "Face".  With DOGS !

We took the clockwise route from the main car parks thereafter there was much argument (No! No! Discussion) as everybody knew Beacon Fell well and had their own opinion on which path to take.

We followed a surprisingly busy road round to the other side of the fell before taking the track up through the woods towards the Trig. Point.

At a meeting of tracks we stopped to look at the Iguanadon. ( or something similar ) Last time I saw it it was entirely wood. Now it is wood much embellished with copper and Cupro-nickel. 

Next stop the Owl in the woods.

And there were more owls.

As Mae discovered.

At last we reached the Trig. point,

Next...... off round the eastern part of the fell with Parlick on the horizon.

Then through the woods and back to the cars and home.


p.s, During this entire walk the grandchildren ignored my words of wisdom (very sensible of them) and my hilarious jokes barely raised a titter. 

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